Katherine Weather Extremes
Much of Katherine's weather we seem to take for
granted, we get a river rise here or there, a flood, big
downpour, dust storm, wirly wirly through the yard when the
washing is on the line etc. Then it is gone forever and only
becomes a part of our distant memory as this is where we live
(in the Tropics) and it basically goes with the Territory.
The following occurrences have been pretty major
natural events that have shaped the lives of many people in
Katherine with the Big Flood of 1998 & another in 2006 and when
you think about it and read further, a few near misses over the
past few years that could have had entirely different results if
they occurred a few kilometres from where they did.
Photo from March 2004
after storm over Tindal |
1. Katherine Flood
January 26th 1998 (from Ex Tropical Cyclone Les)
2. Effects of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie December
21st 2003
March 2004
(Tindal Storm & flooding of low areas in Katherine South)
Katherine Flood April 2006
This info is on my Katherine Start Page site that has good
google search results for Katherine flooding so it is in a
slightly different style that the other pages.
March 2007 (Flood Watch) Not an extreme event (just the
normal), but recordings of river levels at Gorge & Town etc, and
just trying to make sense of it all.
The following are thoughts, recordings & images
I have taken myself or collected from the web. Why does anyone
take the odd snapshot of the weather radar in the middle at 2AM
just before the power goes out for the 5th time, I don't
There are many more such events that have gone
on, that will never be seen again. Many of the factual rainfall
recordings have come from
website that
stores satellite images of the day & major recordings from
around Australia.